Monday, October 26, 2009

Blair Witch Vs. Paranormal Activity

Paranormal Activity Pictures, Images and Photos

so, it's been 2 weeks since i've seen PA & i'm STILL affected by it. like, okay for the people who say "it's mad wack, it's not even that serious" blahblahblah, it's cause you're not really thinking about it, like the whole concept of it. yeah okay, maybe there were only 2 legit terrifying parts, but overalll? i was fucking shoook by it! like idunno, i'm such a legit believer in ghosts and spirits and all that shit. & i HATE open doors, & the fucking bedrooom door was open like every night, and the whole shaky camera effect and stuff? oh no, i was set. maybe cause i'm easily scared, but i fucking loved that movie.

The Blair Witch Project Pictures, Images and Photos

i saw TBWP when i was about 11. i seeen it w. andrea @ her dad's house - it was our first time seeing it. i remember hearing about people fucking puking during this movie, cause i guess it was that affecting? so i'm like 'okkkkkkay' expecting so much. i was pretty damn scared throughout the whole movie, mostly cause i thought it was real. i mean the whole tent shaking, running in the wooods, them not being able to find their friend & they find his bloody toooth & especially the last scene? omfg i don't even wannna think about it! i was tooo scared to go to bed that night. later on, did i find out that it was fake -_- i still get scared of it when i see it.

so betweeen PA & TBWP? i'd say it's a tie. i mean, both has the same concept. you're suppposed to feel same at home, when you're somewhere w. friends, you automaticallly feeel safe. both had spirits, a crazy backround, a stupid bitch and a gr8 ending. so there :] i swearrrrrr when it comes out on dvd, i'm having a movie night . just sayin'.

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