i saw people who've i've watched in movies since i was a kid.
omg omg PJ Soles was on my left, Sid Haig was on my right & JASON FUCKING MEWES WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.
i started acting like a belligerent idiot. i was crying & laughing insanely & esmarlin had to walk away from me.
when i calmed down finally after 15 min, we grew a pair of balls and decided to talk to Jason Mewes.
& then this picture came to mind:
& i cried again. BUT i had to stop cause esmarlin was getting pissed off.
the line went fast & finally, it was our turn.
i kept babbling on how much i loved him in Clerks 1&2, Dogma, Degrassi Goes To Hollywood, Zach & Miri & fucking Mallrats. i said all of those rly fast, in like 5 seconds flat. he was wicked sweeet and flattered & omfg omfg omfg he hugggged me &/ toook a picture wifff me! those pics will be up on my myspace pronto ! http://www.myspace.com/yooooooooo_
omg omg & yannnno whatelse? he wasn't like a snobishh asshole, he actually asked us about our day & what bands we wanted to see later on & omfg omfg he said i have a nice asss!
LMFAO not creepy @ alll! fuck losing weight, if Jason fucking Mewes commented on my ass, then i shall never feeel insecure about my body again :D :D
oh & PJ Soles was the sweeetest person ever, so was Ezra Buzzington from The Hills Have Eyes, omg he took 2 pics wiff me! :) ehh Tom Seveni was kinda dickish, but hes still chilll & Sid Haig was funnnnnnny omg , & i rly rly wanted to talk to Gunner Hansen & Dereck Mears but then, that would lose the fear i have when i see their movies (TCSM & Fri the 13th. ) hahah welll then we left @ 6.30 cause i was NOT missing the show, and omfg it was packed! hahaha esmarlin & I were like 'whaaat?!' cause it was our first show. oh thennnnnnnnnn we saw doms, josh, ryan and i met his broooooo & their other friend which was funfunfun (: they were giving me tips on what to do & not to do when you moshhhh, hahah. omfg lemmme tell you that mosing? FUCKING AWESOME! hahhaha i have a thing with pain, like i love it for some reason, hahah idk like shit the whole shoving into people, getting hit back, omg oh & i helped some wicked cute girl & doms crowd surf :p lolol ugh i got kicked over the head like 4 times, punched in the lip, my shoes got fucked upppppppp ha & someone elbowed my boooob and stomach. lmao but it was the funnest best feeling in the world. omfg i sound like a psycho but idgaf :] the highlight was watching The Acacia Strain perform JFC & the speech he gave before it was amazing. i hadddd an awesome night, point blankkkkk
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