Saturday, October 31, 2009
this is halloweeen!
lmao so it's hallloweeen & i'm stoked! soo for the past week, i've had NO plans whatsoever to do anything on Halloween. my plan was to go over andrea's, watch scary movies & wear the same outfit: if somethingg came up, we were down. & loooks like that plan worked out sweeet :) wellll, me & andrea are partners in crime :D so that's awesome. & now we're goin to put haiiir dye spray in our haiir. byeeeeeeeeeeeee
Friday, October 30, 2009
the song's beeeen stuck in my head, alllllldayyy.
& i just found out oh, 3 days ago that it was about fucking threeesomes?!
i am so stupid. hahah fuck it/ i shalll keeep on singin' it :)
& i just found out oh, 3 days ago that it was about fucking threeesomes?!
i am so stupid. hahah fuck it/ i shalll keeep on singin' it :)
Andrea & I
are together EVERY SINGLE DAY.
& you'd think we'd get sick of it.
nahhhhhht reallllllly.
it gets wicked fucking annnoying when people harsh our melllow or like belitttle our friendship.
& i think it's so funnnny that when people know when we're hanging out they're like "nothing new there. you're always w. her. blablahblah"
welll of course. she's like my other half, dude.
wtf do you expect ? :)
part of the reason why we're NOT going through a cycle this year & why we're wiiicked closer now, is cause this is her last year, & i'm spending alll the time i can with her before she goes offf to colllege, wherever /:
and plus. ever since her mom broke her leg, we're basicallllly bus budddddies, yannnno? :*
oh & i'm such a proud bff, causeeee andrea has finallly seeen things through my perspective :) i shallll not say what, but i'm laughing as i write this and i'm going to bug her about it riiiight now hahahha.
and i know people are gna read this probbb, complain & bitch on how i'm focusing too much on this friendshippp, but it's not even like that. and just remember people, i met andrea 9 years prior to you . just sayin' . 61200 niggggggggy
& you'd think we'd get sick of it.
nahhhhhht reallllllly.
it gets wicked fucking annnoying when people harsh our melllow or like belitttle our friendship.
& i think it's so funnnny that when people know when we're hanging out they're like "nothing new there. you're always w. her. blablahblah"
welll of course. she's like my other half, dude.
wtf do you expect ? :)
part of the reason why we're NOT going through a cycle this year & why we're wiiicked closer now, is cause this is her last year, & i'm spending alll the time i can with her before she goes offf to colllege, wherever /:
and plus. ever since her mom broke her leg, we're basicallllly bus budddddies, yannnno? :*
oh & i'm such a proud bff, causeeee andrea has finallly seeen things through my perspective :) i shallll not say what, but i'm laughing as i write this and i'm going to bug her about it riiiight now hahahha.
and i know people are gna read this probbb, complain & bitch on how i'm focusing too much on this friendshippp, but it's not even like that. and just remember people, i met andrea 9 years prior to you . just sayin' . 61200 niggggggggy
i'm so sick of people
getttttting alll in my bizzz lately. like fuck offfff, mind yooo neck suckkkka :p
no, but seriouslyyyy.
no, but seriouslyyyy.
on wednesday
i skippped schoool with andrea. of course, it was fun. we went to target to me my mum, then she gave us moneyyy for fooood & of course our fatasssses went to mickey d'z. then barnes & noble's, waiting there for like 2 hours till' aric came & picked us upppp and toook us to the mallllll.
oh & we also stole tractors, rode around in em' & hide them in sheds. hahaha
- yepppppp. it was pretty damn sweeeet not having to be in prision, forced to do work :p more days like that willl be occuring later on in the yearrrrrr (:
oh & we also stole tractors, rode around in em' & hide them in sheds. hahaha
- yepppppp. it was pretty damn sweeeet not having to be in prision, forced to do work :p more days like that willl be occuring later on in the yearrrrrr (:
Monday, October 26, 2009
Blair Witch Vs. Paranormal Activity
so, it's been 2 weeks since i've seen PA & i'm STILL affected by it. like, okay for the people who say "it's mad wack, it's not even that serious" blahblahblah, it's cause you're not really thinking about it, like the whole concept of it. yeah okay, maybe there were only 2 legit terrifying parts, but overalll? i was fucking shoook by it! like idunno, i'm such a legit believer in ghosts and spirits and all that shit. & i HATE open doors, & the fucking bedrooom door was open like every night, and the whole shaky camera effect and stuff? oh no, i was set. maybe cause i'm easily scared, but i fucking loved that movie.
i saw TBWP when i was about 11. i seeen it w. andrea @ her dad's house - it was our first time seeing it. i remember hearing about people fucking puking during this movie, cause i guess it was that affecting? so i'm like 'okkkkkkay' expecting so much. i was pretty damn scared throughout the whole movie, mostly cause i thought it was real. i mean the whole tent shaking, running in the wooods, them not being able to find their friend & they find his bloody toooth & especially the last scene? omfg i don't even wannna think about it! i was tooo scared to go to bed that night. later on, did i find out that it was fake -_- i still get scared of it when i see it.
so betweeen PA & TBWP? i'd say it's a tie. i mean, both has the same concept. you're suppposed to feel same at home, when you're somewhere w. friends, you automaticallly feeel safe. both had spirits, a crazy backround, a stupid bitch and a gr8 ending. so there :] i swearrrrrr when it comes out on dvd, i'm having a movie night . just sayin'.
200th post!
yay! see now, this whole bloggging thing was only intended for the summmmertime, but i guesss i got hooked & yeah. lately things have beeen going gooood. last weeek mr galicia was being a total dick, but now he's whateverrrr & thankfullly i'm not switching into a study. um today i had the best misssion ever w. badassss anthony & we would've suceeeeded if not for the arabian kid and his non'badassnesss, couldn't help us w. shit other than handing us the pencil! lmao. oh & i'm obvvv at andrea's house as i type this, cause im forever there :] uhh uh uh i gauged my ears lastweeekend, although you wouldn't be able to telll cause i started off rly small. im hoping to be a zero by december! i had detention today but only for like 20 min. thanks ms latino :] oh and lastweeekend, i went to the malll w. kim and ACTUALLY bought a fucking hollister item! oh mannnn. and we watched saw 6 tooo. - lame! -_- the ending was upsettttting but kinda goood. right now andrea's forcing me to watching extreme paranormal, fucking scary sooo byeeee :]
yay blogggger! my awesome 200th post! :D
yay blogggger! my awesome 200th post! :D
Thursday, October 22, 2009
longest blog ever
it's 7:34 pm. i'm listening to 'lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking off her clothes' by patd.
let's get these teen hearts beating faster, faster.
i had to say it. i'm wicked mad that they dropped the exclamation point in their name. that fucking exclamation point made the different. hmph .
danceeeeeeeeeeeee to thissssss beat, danceeeeeee to this beaaaaat, danceeeee to this beeeeeeatt<3>:/ thank god i made it in time. hah see i CAN run when i need to . but anywayss, and the city bus drops me offf at city hall at like 6.25, i wait till' 6.35, which is when the number 15 bus comes, the bus driver always spends about 10 min. kissing his gf always and he finallly hauls ass at like 6.45, we go by andrea's, she gets on the bus & we walk up the hill to schoool and get there around 7 ish? yep yepppp fun shit. and then after schoool, i always walk home w. her & d'aven. yeah we used to roll deep when it came to walking home but everyone's doing their own shit sooo yup us 3 :] & lately my new friend matt's been accompanying us, which is pretty sweeeet. yeah, i feel like i have no friends whatsoever. i mean, i obvvv have the people i walk home w. cause i wouldn't walk home w. non friends, yanno? anyways, like i used to have TONSSSSSSSSSS of friends freshman year. i was always the type of person to have tons of friends from like different groups or whatever but now? idk like i haven't talked to my other bestfriend daniris in like 3 days & she wasn't in schoool today, like our old crew, which consisted of me, andrea, josh, daniris, d'aven, demetria, alicia, kim, tamara, elijah & sometimes esmarlin? we've all gone our own ways. i'm forever w. andrea, like 24/7. josh moved ]: i walk home w. d'aven everyday, umm daniris has cheerleading so she's not always around, jenn & priscilla are like conjoined by the fucking booob, alicia's bestfriends w. priscilla now and i barely see her, demetria works all the time, and tamara & elijah got their own shit but i still remain pb&j w. elijah. oh & obvvvvvi esmarlin's my bloood so we're kinda supposed to be close :p haha the song 'snap ya fingaz' just ended. lol i remember for my 7th grade semi, this song played and of course everyone was like 'OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" hahahahaha. urgh but yeahnmy shoulder hurts, but im gna keep writing because my internet's not working and i NEED to write. like writing? second passion, other than acting. like i just have to write. eriefanr.ekt lvwnsorry. ugh my foot's asleeep and i'm looking at the bowl of rice that i put 'nessa's ipod and camera in. ha, i rly hope her stuff works when i check in the morning, yannno? i swear they need to make tighter like caps for water bottles. /: my dogs, minnie & ronnie, are like fighting on my bed. i swearrr to god it's a chu wa wa thing but they're constantly fucking sneeezing when they fight. it's hilarious. minnie neeeds braces, honestly haha when she gets mad, her overbite goes thru her lips and it's not cute x) now i'm listening to vannna. omg i'm so seeing their show on the 1st, don't careeeeeeee.
sunlight, sunshine - all for you my daisy :D man, the maine are siiiickk.
so whats g00d w. EVERYONE FUCKING WEARING VANS NOW?!in all honestly, nobody wore them 2 years ago! like i'm not even talking about the old school cool ones, but like the one's @ journey's that everyone has! the red ones, navy blue ones like wtf? my bestfriend andrea used to wear vans & she got picked on for that, cause fucking phat farm & like nike's were the shit back then. man fucka posers. ha kisss my assss . so i've made a vow to NOT buy vans, because everyone has that. i hate dressing like everyone else, having what everyone has. it's like a pride thing w. me. i wannna be different, yannno? i hate listening to the newest music, too! like idk its wierdddd. omg omg omg my fav song is playing! (fake it by seeether) :) i have over a thousand fav songs, like in all honesty. i have exactly 2,937 songs on my ipod. i filled it all up & now i'm gunning for the 64 gig itouch. 400 dollars though /: this is why a job? something i neeed. i'm just waiting for my fucking interview for wendy's. like i hate lame people who are always like " i will never stooop low to work @ mickey ds" like dude get over it, it's money. i'd rather be non broke, yannno? i say yannno alot. especially badass. especially when i see anthony? oh man, total badasss. i have to say like 20 'badass'es in one sentence, yanno? dude i was reading his about me like 2 days ago & that shit had me fucking rollllllllllllling! oh man. i have no life, i swear but i'm going to write till' my carpal tunnel gets worse or it hits 12, cause i have to get my hw done sometime, right? dime que vamos hacer, si sabes que tu querpo a mi, me llamas ? ;)
wannnnnnnnnnnnnna know what that meanssssssssssss?! "tell me what we're gna do, when you realize that your body's calling me"or something like that. fucka spanish, even tho it's my native tounge :p
man, im sooo glad ms lupafya's ass is preggo cause' i've noticed the inhouses this year are at a minimum and lately she's only been giving me detentions for cuttting. up top!
dude, i love my spanish class. no lie. it's my fav classss. hhah don't ask whyyy but it is. maybe the atmosphere, being around my fav teacher, the kids are cooool & yeah it's just chilll. being a TA sucks sometimes though, cause i ALWAYS have to get up and doing something, i mean thats what i want but not like every 5 seconds, yannno? :p . but i don't mind as long as people are happpy. let's seeee . allison's in that classs & so is max :) they TA w. me. i've known alllison since my 8th grade year. we didn't rly talk up till' my freshman year. she's wicked sweet, like i swear to god. i admire her cause her style? so unique! she should've been born in the 50's. she's so classy. i talk the most w. max in that classs. i didn't meet him until this year & he's wiiiiiiiicked chilll man! like omg i think he's so sweeet and hilarious omg he's the reason i get bitched at by mr galicia. oh & today? he lemme sit on the rolly spinny chair & he never gives it to me :D i was s0happpppppy! but yeah he's just awesome like idgaf, if he were to ever get kicked out of that class, which would never happen but i would be wicked sad, honestly. who else is in that classsss ummm betsy! i've known her since i was 5 cause we used to go to the same church, but after i hit like idk 11, i didn't wanna go anymore cause church bored the fuck outtta me & yeah. she's kinda annoying but i have respect for herrrrr & she's chill sometimes lol. uhhh doms is there toooooo. i swear i like adore his hair! i touched it today & it's wicked thick omg! he's so adorable tooo and like his drawings are wicked sickkk! like it astonishes me how goood they are. when i went to sara's house & seeen the picture he drew her hanging on her walll, i got wicked jealous lol i wish i could fucking drawww like that! but yeah he's so cooool :) mike keefe's in there & i have like most of all my classses w. him and he said the cutest thing about me couple days ago! i guess cause when i skipped 3.4, he told daniris that he was mad at me for skippping cause i guess he missed me or something. awh! :D he's my niggggggggaaaaaa. oh mann my bbydolll shannon was in spanish today, i almost forgot! ha just hadda say that. she's the cutest thing ever :) uhh oh derrick's in that classs and him and shannon are so cute together! chris is thereee too and he randomly tells me to shut up sometimes and i can never tell if he's kidding or being serious until he tellls me lmao. tom is tooo and honestly, i get scared talking to him sometimes, just for the simple fact that we hated eachother at one point in middle school & it was my fault. but he's wicked nice to me now which i'm not complaining about! but yeah, lately mr galicia has been being a total douche to me! like i know i'm loud but wtf? i was born w. a mouth and i should be able to use it orallly! i meant talking wise, obvvvvvvvvvvv. ugh and i know if somebody reads this, they were thinking (that's what she said)it's 8:15 & i doubt that i've been writing this long but who am i to argue w. the clock?
the nicest man i ever met was more malicious than malcontent. yeah, he taught me how to hold my tounge & wait to strike while their backs were turned -TBS ALLL THE WAY<3333333>.< it's fine. i'll just keeep writing.
i've been sleeping alot lately. you ever notice that when we have shitty days, we LOVE sleeping? i honestly hate having bad days. you just feel like it's everyone against you, and you just hate fucking everything & everyone. you wannna hide forever. like crawl in a ditch and hope someone never finds you. and like while your sleeping, it's like a form of death. we're not rly existing when we sleeep. we're in peace and we're far away from the problems. waking up, actually is the problem. you feel worse when you wake up. this has been the worst month of this year, which is terrible cause october's my fav month, but ehhh /: shit happens.
& i am to the point where i don't even wanna know where you are & where youre going baby ouuuuuuuu.same old storyyyy.
isn't it crazy how we can memorize so many songs, have it stored in memory & it like never leaves our head. it's so amazing. i love psychology and how our brains and body work.
shit. this year, if i rly wanna, i can go to prom. i have like almost nobody in mind who could be a potential prom date. welll i do, but ugh. lemmme not even think about prom.i used to have this strong theory lastyear that we're all robots. don't ask, but i did.
rome wasn't built in a day. i lack patience and i need that.
i'm on the phone w. daniris now. i've misssed her! oh mannn . i'm wearing the comfiest pants evuhhhhh!
i'm wickedddd tired lately. it's 9:45 . anddd i think i shoulddd stop writing. buuuuut idk.
now im on the phone w. sara. it's 10:47 . and she's mad about something. i hate when she's mad.
man fuck this. i hate this day. so bad. i'll stop this here.
fucking attitude's lately. like whats up w. that? ugh.
oh & now i find out that andrea brought me home the biggest blt sandwich and i wasn't there obvvi to eat it
man, i just wannnnna sleeeeep/ bye
let's get these teen hearts beating faster, faster.
i had to say it. i'm wicked mad that they dropped the exclamation point in their name. that fucking exclamation point made the different. hmph .
danceeeeeeeeeeeee to thissssss beat, danceeeeeee to this beaaaaat, danceeeee to this beeeeeeatt<3>:/ thank god i made it in time. hah see i CAN run when i need to . but anywayss, and the city bus drops me offf at city hall at like 6.25, i wait till' 6.35, which is when the number 15 bus comes, the bus driver always spends about 10 min. kissing his gf always and he finallly hauls ass at like 6.45, we go by andrea's, she gets on the bus & we walk up the hill to schoool and get there around 7 ish? yep yepppp fun shit. and then after schoool, i always walk home w. her & d'aven. yeah we used to roll deep when it came to walking home but everyone's doing their own shit sooo yup us 3 :] & lately my new friend matt's been accompanying us, which is pretty sweeeet. yeah, i feel like i have no friends whatsoever. i mean, i obvvv have the people i walk home w. cause i wouldn't walk home w. non friends, yanno? anyways, like i used to have TONSSSSSSSSSS of friends freshman year. i was always the type of person to have tons of friends from like different groups or whatever but now? idk like i haven't talked to my other bestfriend daniris in like 3 days & she wasn't in schoool today, like our old crew, which consisted of me, andrea, josh, daniris, d'aven, demetria, alicia, kim, tamara, elijah & sometimes esmarlin? we've all gone our own ways. i'm forever w. andrea, like 24/7. josh moved ]: i walk home w. d'aven everyday, umm daniris has cheerleading so she's not always around, jenn & priscilla are like conjoined by the fucking booob, alicia's bestfriends w. priscilla now and i barely see her, demetria works all the time, and tamara & elijah got their own shit but i still remain pb&j w. elijah. oh & obvvvvvi esmarlin's my bloood so we're kinda supposed to be close :p haha the song 'snap ya fingaz' just ended. lol i remember for my 7th grade semi, this song played and of course everyone was like 'OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" hahahahaha. urgh but yeahnmy shoulder hurts, but im gna keep writing because my internet's not working and i NEED to write. like writing? second passion, other than acting. like i just have to write. eriefanr.ekt lvwnsorry. ugh my foot's asleeep and i'm looking at the bowl of rice that i put 'nessa's ipod and camera in. ha, i rly hope her stuff works when i check in the morning, yannno? i swear they need to make tighter like caps for water bottles. /: my dogs, minnie & ronnie, are like fighting on my bed. i swearrr to god it's a chu wa wa thing but they're constantly fucking sneeezing when they fight. it's hilarious. minnie neeeds braces, honestly haha when she gets mad, her overbite goes thru her lips and it's not cute x) now i'm listening to vannna. omg i'm so seeing their show on the 1st, don't careeeeeeee.
sunlight, sunshine - all for you my daisy :D man, the maine are siiiickk.
so whats g00d w. EVERYONE FUCKING WEARING VANS NOW?!in all honestly, nobody wore them 2 years ago! like i'm not even talking about the old school cool ones, but like the one's @ journey's that everyone has! the red ones, navy blue ones like wtf? my bestfriend andrea used to wear vans & she got picked on for that, cause fucking phat farm & like nike's were the shit back then. man fucka posers. ha kisss my assss . so i've made a vow to NOT buy vans, because everyone has that. i hate dressing like everyone else, having what everyone has. it's like a pride thing w. me. i wannna be different, yannno? i hate listening to the newest music, too! like idk its wierdddd. omg omg omg my fav song is playing! (fake it by seeether) :) i have over a thousand fav songs, like in all honesty. i have exactly 2,937 songs on my ipod. i filled it all up & now i'm gunning for the 64 gig itouch. 400 dollars though /: this is why a job? something i neeed. i'm just waiting for my fucking interview for wendy's. like i hate lame people who are always like " i will never stooop low to work @ mickey ds" like dude get over it, it's money. i'd rather be non broke, yannno? i say yannno alot. especially badass. especially when i see anthony? oh man, total badasss. i have to say like 20 'badass'es in one sentence, yanno? dude i was reading his about me like 2 days ago & that shit had me fucking rollllllllllllling! oh man. i have no life, i swear but i'm going to write till' my carpal tunnel gets worse or it hits 12, cause i have to get my hw done sometime, right? dime que vamos hacer, si sabes que tu querpo a mi, me llamas ? ;)
wannnnnnnnnnnnnna know what that meanssssssssssss?! "tell me what we're gna do, when you realize that your body's calling me"or something like that. fucka spanish, even tho it's my native tounge :p
man, im sooo glad ms lupafya's ass is preggo cause' i've noticed the inhouses this year are at a minimum and lately she's only been giving me detentions for cuttting. up top!
dude, i love my spanish class. no lie. it's my fav classss. hhah don't ask whyyy but it is. maybe the atmosphere, being around my fav teacher, the kids are cooool & yeah it's just chilll. being a TA sucks sometimes though, cause i ALWAYS have to get up and doing something, i mean thats what i want but not like every 5 seconds, yannno? :p . but i don't mind as long as people are happpy. let's seeee . allison's in that classs & so is max :) they TA w. me. i've known alllison since my 8th grade year. we didn't rly talk up till' my freshman year. she's wicked sweet, like i swear to god. i admire her cause her style? so unique! she should've been born in the 50's. she's so classy. i talk the most w. max in that classs. i didn't meet him until this year & he's wiiiiiiiicked chilll man! like omg i think he's so sweeet and hilarious omg he's the reason i get bitched at by mr galicia. oh & today? he lemme sit on the rolly spinny chair & he never gives it to me :D i was s0happpppppy! but yeah he's just awesome like idgaf, if he were to ever get kicked out of that class, which would never happen but i would be wicked sad, honestly. who else is in that classsss ummm betsy! i've known her since i was 5 cause we used to go to the same church, but after i hit like idk 11, i didn't wanna go anymore cause church bored the fuck outtta me & yeah. she's kinda annoying but i have respect for herrrrr & she's chill sometimes lol. uhhh doms is there toooooo. i swear i like adore his hair! i touched it today & it's wicked thick omg! he's so adorable tooo and like his drawings are wicked sickkk! like it astonishes me how goood they are. when i went to sara's house & seeen the picture he drew her hanging on her walll, i got wicked jealous lol i wish i could fucking drawww like that! but yeah he's so cooool :) mike keefe's in there & i have like most of all my classses w. him and he said the cutest thing about me couple days ago! i guess cause when i skipped 3.4, he told daniris that he was mad at me for skippping cause i guess he missed me or something. awh! :D he's my niggggggggaaaaaa. oh mann my bbydolll shannon was in spanish today, i almost forgot! ha just hadda say that. she's the cutest thing ever :) uhh oh derrick's in that classs and him and shannon are so cute together! chris is thereee too and he randomly tells me to shut up sometimes and i can never tell if he's kidding or being serious until he tellls me lmao. tom is tooo and honestly, i get scared talking to him sometimes, just for the simple fact that we hated eachother at one point in middle school & it was my fault. but he's wicked nice to me now which i'm not complaining about! but yeah, lately mr galicia has been being a total douche to me! like i know i'm loud but wtf? i was born w. a mouth and i should be able to use it orallly! i meant talking wise, obvvvvvvvvvvv. ugh and i know if somebody reads this, they were thinking (that's what she said)it's 8:15 & i doubt that i've been writing this long but who am i to argue w. the clock?
the nicest man i ever met was more malicious than malcontent. yeah, he taught me how to hold my tounge & wait to strike while their backs were turned -TBS ALLL THE WAY<3333333>.< it's fine. i'll just keeep writing.
i've been sleeping alot lately. you ever notice that when we have shitty days, we LOVE sleeping? i honestly hate having bad days. you just feel like it's everyone against you, and you just hate fucking everything & everyone. you wannna hide forever. like crawl in a ditch and hope someone never finds you. and like while your sleeping, it's like a form of death. we're not rly existing when we sleeep. we're in peace and we're far away from the problems. waking up, actually is the problem. you feel worse when you wake up. this has been the worst month of this year, which is terrible cause october's my fav month, but ehhh /: shit happens.
& i am to the point where i don't even wanna know where you are & where youre going baby ouuuuuuuu.same old storyyyy.
isn't it crazy how we can memorize so many songs, have it stored in memory & it like never leaves our head. it's so amazing. i love psychology and how our brains and body work.
shit. this year, if i rly wanna, i can go to prom. i have like almost nobody in mind who could be a potential prom date. welll i do, but ugh. lemmme not even think about prom.i used to have this strong theory lastyear that we're all robots. don't ask, but i did.
rome wasn't built in a day. i lack patience and i need that.
i'm on the phone w. daniris now. i've misssed her! oh mannn . i'm wearing the comfiest pants evuhhhhh!
i'm wickedddd tired lately. it's 9:45 . anddd i think i shoulddd stop writing. buuuuut idk.
now im on the phone w. sara. it's 10:47 . and she's mad about something. i hate when she's mad.
man fuck this. i hate this day. so bad. i'll stop this here.
fucking attitude's lately. like whats up w. that? ugh.
oh & now i find out that andrea brought me home the biggest blt sandwich and i wasn't there obvvi to eat it
man, i just wannnnna sleeeeep/ bye
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
:D ! my friday wiffff esmarlin
wellll after schoool, we went to city halll to kill time before Rock&Shock s0 we ate a ton @ DD's, uhhh went to the libraryy, watched roman get kicked out for calling a lady a 'puta' lollll assswipee, hung wifff adam & alba for a bit then went to daniris's house, begggggggggged her to come but her ghetto wack ass didn't wannna. soo it was around 4.50 & we walked to the dcu center & omfg when we walked in? sooooo many people w. like huge piercings, crazy tats & costumes. one guy was even dresssed as that Rocky Horror guy! creeeeepy. hahaha & idk, we felt like such black sheep (literalllly, haha) buuut we bought our combo tickets, cause i was dyyyyyyyyying to see The Acacia Strain later onnn :] & omg omg we got inside and i was flipppin out, i mean, it WAS my first convention :p the coooolest shit there, vintage movie posters, 5 dolllar gruesome horror films, there was even a boooth where you can get real fangs & they last for about 2 months! oh hellll. & THEN...
i saw people who've i've watched in movies since i was a kid.
omg omg PJ Soles was on my left, Sid Haig was on my right & JASON FUCKING MEWES WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.
i started acting like a belligerent idiot. i was crying & laughing insanely & esmarlin had to walk away from me.
when i calmed down finally after 15 min, we grew a pair of balls and decided to talk to Jason Mewes.
& then this picture came to mind:

& i cried again. BUT i had to stop cause esmarlin was getting pissed off.
the line went fast & finally, it was our turn.
i kept babbling on how much i loved him in Clerks 1&2, Dogma, Degrassi Goes To Hollywood, Zach & Miri & fucking Mallrats. i said all of those rly fast, in like 5 seconds flat. he was wicked sweeet and flattered & omfg omfg omfg he hugggged me &/ toook a picture wifff me! those pics will be up on my myspace pronto !
omg omg & yannnno whatelse? he wasn't like a snobishh asshole, he actually asked us about our day & what bands we wanted to see later on & omfg omfg he said i have a nice asss!
LMFAO not creepy @ alll! fuck losing weight, if Jason fucking Mewes commented on my ass, then i shall never feeel insecure about my body again :D :D
oh & PJ Soles was the sweeetest person ever, so was Ezra Buzzington from The Hills Have Eyes, omg he took 2 pics wiff me! :) ehh Tom Seveni was kinda dickish, but hes still chilll & Sid Haig was funnnnnnny omg , & i rly rly wanted to talk to Gunner Hansen & Dereck Mears but then, that would lose the fear i have when i see their movies (TCSM & Fri the 13th. ) hahah welll then we left @ 6.30 cause i was NOT missing the show, and omfg it was packed! hahaha esmarlin & I were like 'whaaat?!' cause it was our first show. oh thennnnnnnnnn we saw doms, josh, ryan and i met his broooooo & their other friend which was funfunfun (: they were giving me tips on what to do & not to do when you moshhhh, hahah. omfg lemmme tell you that mosing? FUCKING AWESOME! hahhaha i have a thing with pain, like i love it for some reason, hahah idk like shit the whole shoving into people, getting hit back, omg oh & i helped some wicked cute girl & doms crowd surf :p lolol ugh i got kicked over the head like 4 times, punched in the lip, my shoes got fucked upppppppp ha & someone elbowed my boooob and stomach. lmao but it was the funnest best feeling in the world. omfg i sound like a psycho but idgaf :] the highlight was watching The Acacia Strain perform JFC & the speech he gave before it was amazing. i hadddd an awesome night, point blankkkkk
i saw people who've i've watched in movies since i was a kid.
omg omg PJ Soles was on my left, Sid Haig was on my right & JASON FUCKING MEWES WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.
i started acting like a belligerent idiot. i was crying & laughing insanely & esmarlin had to walk away from me.
when i calmed down finally after 15 min, we grew a pair of balls and decided to talk to Jason Mewes.
& then this picture came to mind:
& i cried again. BUT i had to stop cause esmarlin was getting pissed off.
the line went fast & finally, it was our turn.
i kept babbling on how much i loved him in Clerks 1&2, Dogma, Degrassi Goes To Hollywood, Zach & Miri & fucking Mallrats. i said all of those rly fast, in like 5 seconds flat. he was wicked sweeet and flattered & omfg omfg omfg he hugggged me &/ toook a picture wifff me! those pics will be up on my myspace pronto !
omg omg & yannnno whatelse? he wasn't like a snobishh asshole, he actually asked us about our day & what bands we wanted to see later on & omfg omfg he said i have a nice asss!
LMFAO not creepy @ alll! fuck losing weight, if Jason fucking Mewes commented on my ass, then i shall never feeel insecure about my body again :D :D
oh & PJ Soles was the sweeetest person ever, so was Ezra Buzzington from The Hills Have Eyes, omg he took 2 pics wiff me! :) ehh Tom Seveni was kinda dickish, but hes still chilll & Sid Haig was funnnnnnny omg , & i rly rly wanted to talk to Gunner Hansen & Dereck Mears but then, that would lose the fear i have when i see their movies (TCSM & Fri the 13th. ) hahah welll then we left @ 6.30 cause i was NOT missing the show, and omfg it was packed! hahaha esmarlin & I were like 'whaaat?!' cause it was our first show. oh thennnnnnnnnn we saw doms, josh, ryan and i met his broooooo & their other friend which was funfunfun (: they were giving me tips on what to do & not to do when you moshhhh, hahah. omfg lemmme tell you that mosing? FUCKING AWESOME! hahhaha i have a thing with pain, like i love it for some reason, hahah idk like shit the whole shoving into people, getting hit back, omg oh & i helped some wicked cute girl & doms crowd surf :p lolol ugh i got kicked over the head like 4 times, punched in the lip, my shoes got fucked upppppppp ha & someone elbowed my boooob and stomach. lmao but it was the funnest best feeling in the world. omfg i sound like a psycho but idgaf :] the highlight was watching The Acacia Strain perform JFC & the speech he gave before it was amazing. i hadddd an awesome night, point blankkkkk
Friday, October 16, 2009
mmmkkaaaaiii so0 im @ the library wifff esmarlin & adam! :DDD dwarfs are wows worst race!!!!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
^^ awesome peoopleeee :D chyeah
Domo? no domo...--sadness-- :((
Adam did awesome on his perfomance :D no you did not fail epicallly!
peanut butter jelly time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
adam & alba r00l
^^ awesome peoopleeee :D chyeah
Domo? no domo...--sadness-- :((
Adam did awesome on his perfomance :D no you did not fail epicallly!
peanut butter jelly time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
adam & alba r00l
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
is the day where the audiotorium will be filled during 5th period / 6.7 because my classs is doing our monologues.
i start shaking before i preform in front of my class, how the fuck am i gna handle like half of the schooool?
i start shaking before i preform in front of my class, how the fuck am i gna handle like half of the schooool?
omg omg omg
Rock & Shock this weekend, babyyyyyy!
omg & The Acacia Strain is preforminggg?! whaaaaaaaaat?!
omg & The Acacia Strain is preforminggg?! whaaaaaaaaat?!
ever since
... i fell off the stage in drama class, i've been getting massive headaches on the side that i fell on.
maybe i should check that out.
& i should check out my nail, because something stabbed the inside of it & its bleeding on the inside of my nail and now its numb and purple.
perhaps, i should go to the doctor's soon .
maybe i should check that out.
& i should check out my nail, because something stabbed the inside of it & its bleeding on the inside of my nail and now its numb and purple.
perhaps, i should go to the doctor's soon .
Friday, October 9, 2009
longgggg weeeeeeekend.
yesterday, i slept ALLLLLLLLDAYYYYYY.
i'm oversleeping too much & that's not good @ allll .
today, i'm getting my new glasses :D
& i have a job interview! yayyyy .
blahh, i just hate this crap ass weather, yannno ?
i'm oversleeping too much & that's not good @ allll .
today, i'm getting my new glasses :D
& i have a job interview! yayyyy .
blahh, i just hate this crap ass weather, yannno ?
drama - A
psychology - C
biology - C/D
lameeeeeeeee -_-
but it's strr8 cause my bio teach said my grade has bumped up since then cause my quiz scores are awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwsummm !
& for psych ? i have tons of makeup work to handin soo yeah
& for some strange reason, i didn't get fucking graded in gym?
ross is SO gna hear my voice tuesday.
psychology - C
biology - C/D
lameeeeeeeee -_-
but it's strr8 cause my bio teach said my grade has bumped up since then cause my quiz scores are awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwsummm !
& for psych ? i have tons of makeup work to handin soo yeah
& for some strange reason, i didn't get fucking graded in gym?
ross is SO gna hear my voice tuesday.
so andrea & I have a good thing goin' on.
see, my city bus comes thru around 6.20, i get to downtown @ like 6.28 roughly & instead of taking the lame schoool bus, i take bus 15 (which goes past like grafton & the school) which comes at like 6.45, & i go thru andrea's house & she hops on the bus as welll & we just get offf at the bottom of the hill , therefore we shall never be late anymore :)
see, my city bus comes thru around 6.20, i get to downtown @ like 6.28 roughly & instead of taking the lame schoool bus, i take bus 15 (which goes past like grafton & the school) which comes at like 6.45, & i go thru andrea's house & she hops on the bus as welll & we just get offf at the bottom of the hill , therefore we shall never be late anymore :)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
i hate
when people assume i like rap & fucking hip hop & then they go thru my ipod & the first thing they say?
wtf are "white" songs?
just cause my ipod is legit all about ADTR, Paramore, Tay Swift & ATL, doesn't make it white music.
that's so racist if you think about it ? what only white people can like rock?! HA! bulllshit .
rap pisses me the fuck offf sometimes. you can't relate to it & you certainlly cant feeel it in your soul as much as you can w. rock, yanno?
urgh. lame . & also, i LOATHE when people borrow my ipod & theyre like "your songs are mad wack" - dont fucking listen to em if they are. bogus ass people
wtf are "white" songs?
just cause my ipod is legit all about ADTR, Paramore, Tay Swift & ATL, doesn't make it white music.
that's so racist if you think about it ? what only white people can like rock?! HA! bulllshit .
rap pisses me the fuck offf sometimes. you can't relate to it & you certainlly cant feeel it in your soul as much as you can w. rock, yanno?
urgh. lame . & also, i LOATHE when people borrow my ipod & theyre like "your songs are mad wack" - dont fucking listen to em if they are. bogus ass people
Saturday, October 3, 2009
holyyyyyyyy shit
i havent blogged in ages .
wellllll lots of shits beeen going on, especially in schoool.
hmmm updates?
school dance was lame @ first, but idgaf shit was fun the last hour.
fuuuuck it, i was gettttin' it.
oh & my bbyghurls christine & rhonda fo sho' know how to move ;]
my favorite classes go as this :
1) drama
2) spanish
3) biology
5) gym
6) psychology.
why is drama my favorite? well wtf i love acting so there :)
& spanish? hahaha idunno, i love TA'ing there even tho i feel unnnapreciated sometimes! & i like the 'aura' in that classss :p
biology? oh man, im kicking ass! i got an 80 on my last quizzzzo. whoooop! no way im failing this semester.
ehh gym is just an easyy class & psychology, as much as i love the subject, i feel uncomfortable in that class - plus i fucking hate block 1.2's!!!!!
ummm what else.
i'd rather get my heart broken by a guy than a girl. guys are just so str8 up w. it
& i'm attracted to tons of people this year. #@%R^T*^(*&^&
blahhh idunnno.
i've been spending all my time w. andrea, josh & sara & i'm not complaining whatsoever :)
oh & sara's sister beth is wiiiiiiiiiiiicked salty ;) hahahha.
i wannna play basketball this year & i'm stilll stoked for gauges.
thats about it. mm' x3
wellllll lots of shits beeen going on, especially in schoool.
hmmm updates?
school dance was lame @ first, but idgaf shit was fun the last hour.
fuuuuck it, i was gettttin' it.
oh & my bbyghurls christine & rhonda fo sho' know how to move ;]
my favorite classes go as this :
1) drama
2) spanish
3) biology
5) gym
6) psychology.
why is drama my favorite? well wtf i love acting so there :)
& spanish? hahaha idunno, i love TA'ing there even tho i feel unnnapreciated sometimes! & i like the 'aura' in that classss :p
biology? oh man, im kicking ass! i got an 80 on my last quizzzzo. whoooop! no way im failing this semester.
ehh gym is just an easyy class & psychology, as much as i love the subject, i feel uncomfortable in that class - plus i fucking hate block 1.2's!!!!!
ummm what else.
i'd rather get my heart broken by a guy than a girl. guys are just so str8 up w. it
& i'm attracted to tons of people this year. #@%R^T*^(*&^&
blahhh idunnno.
i've been spending all my time w. andrea, josh & sara & i'm not complaining whatsoever :)
oh & sara's sister beth is wiiiiiiiiiiiicked salty ;) hahahha.
i wannna play basketball this year & i'm stilll stoked for gauges.
thats about it. mm' x3
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