Tuesday, July 21, 2009

lip piercing hatred

i hate lip piercings. every bitch has em ' .
its fucking ew. it looks like a cold sore, for one
especially in gold? YUXCK. thats extremely uglyyy.
idk i've never been a fan of lip piercings.
but i love daniris's (bestfriend) lip piercing. it looks awesome on her
if you're not her, your l.piercing is lame :]
you know what i wannna see?! more fucking eyebrow piercings! & monroe's!
i love monroe's! omfg. but only a few people can pull that shit off. you gotta have a certain look.
the onlii people i know who look gr8' w. eyebrow piercings are my friends yesenia & kenzie. they hottttt w. it :D
& then theres the unique piercings, like the one's that look like teardrops, which ive only seen one girl do that & its wicked sickk man, like so coool & piercings on the side of each eye, which my boo kim has :]

IHATETONGERINGS - you look like a slut w. that

septum piercings are ONLY nice if you have a certain attitude
& nose piercings are just played outtt.

i'm not a piercing person. i got my cartilage pierced TWICE by daniris, and the first time i got it done, it hurt like mad! the second time, it got wicked infected & to this day, theres stil a fucking blood clot in it :x - ill stick w. my plain jane look thankyouverymuch

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