Thursday, December 31, 2009


new year, wuuuuts g00d? i watched the balll drop over the phone with 'nessa pie :] ahaha she was my new years kissss :* welll, i know every year, i always say "this is gunna be MY YEAR" & it ends up NOT being my year. why? cause i build it up to be sucha grr8 year, so yannno what? 2010 is just a new year, and it probably won't be "my year" and that's ohkai! all i know is i'm doing a buncha shit to myself this year, physicalllly so that'll be change, i guess. i hate when people are like "new year, new me" naw. physicallly, it'll be a new me, but overall? i'm still the same ol' Darlanne Fernandez, who's clumsy as shit, and who cries at everything and who prefers being home as opposed to being in public. idk. it's twenty ten & i'm graduating in a year. let's see how shit goes yannnnnnnnnnno?

& btw, i spent my new years at home, eating Wings, sick as fuck. & now i'm on the phizzzone with esmarlin, reminiscing about 09 memories. awesome! oh & i hate new years eve anyways x]

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


is new years eve, and i yet have made any legit plans. fuck.

it's a weak feeling

when you miss somebody, when you were just with them less than 24 hours ago >.<

i hate

having a sore, itchy throat -_- wtf.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


HOOOORAH! my laptop's fixed! welll, not reallly. seee, i went thru my most ghetto stage and i hooked up the laptop to my portable dvd player, so everythings on the dvd screen, since my laptop screen is still shit. ahahah yup, i need the computer THAT MUCH & i have no shame in admitting that! well, i'll be bloggging again, obv. i've missed you, Blogger! ahah bbl :]

Thursday, December 24, 2009


im babysittting tonight. on christmas eve.till' 12. beauuutiful.
it's foooine, cause i'm gettting paid so 'salll gooood i guesss xp

it's christmas!

welll, its christmas eve, ahah. i hate christmas, but i looove being with my family. i love my family. my relatives from florida came up here for the holidays :] righttt now, as i type, my little cousin basthi is on the couch with me. i loooove her a ton :] ahh, i wish we put a tree up at my house, but sadly we haven't ): wellll, i know i have been slacking SOOOO MUCH on the bloggging, but a i've said before, laptop broke, wtf am i gunnnna do. i am getting a new one though, once taxes blow up which is gravy :] so i am out of hiatus! ahah, hm let's see, lastnight i gave josh my gift and he liked it a tonnn so that was awesome. uh uh uh yeaap, day dos of vacation and so far it's quite lovelyyy :] lataaaaa. happpy holidays to errrrrryone!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


i havent bloggged in a month! omfg ): it's cause i broke mylaptoppp and i don't have a blogger app on my itouch. fark. i've misssed this! tooo much has happpened to blog, but i'll try~!

- i've lost 7 friends in total since the new school year has started.
- i have a partner in crime -vanessssa "salt" beliveau nigggggga.
- i'm at a size 4 gauge right now & they're sicked itchy & i can stick a straw threw'em!
- andrea & i went to GA's first show, which was amaaazing!
- my phone rebooots like twice a weeek now -_-
- i'm employed, finallly!
- i have like a B in biology now

annnnd thats it so far.:D